It's Toby and Ally's farewell party.

This party is just so chic and fun. A lot of fun people came. I think all the important people in Siem Reap were invited. The bulk is mostly the expat community who work in the hospitality business.

I was stationed here at the bar most of the time, hehehe

Nothing beats free champagne, hehehe

Tanya's husband, Tanya, Faith (in a top that i designed) and Loven

Heidi and her dress

Sacha, Eric and Ronald McDonald, err...Eric's friend.

Photoshoot with John

Eric and the Ronald McDonald's lady, hehehe



Patrick and Judy


One bar, more free wine and drinks here.

John and Narissa

The hosts, Ally and Toby (or Percy, his devil alter ego)

They are so wacky!

Dancing at Gallery 1. This is the private party to beat!
The look I'm going for

Strike the pose!

Since the theme is Brit retro I opted to come in a style that is kinda me.

I did a little research and decided that a mod/skinhead look is something I can pull.

And more importantly, the pieces for the look I can find in my wardrobe.

Converse shoes = Dr. Martern's

Patched shirt (Sex Pistol logo) = Fred Perry shirt (I didn't bring any of my Fred Perry's imagine!); Nowhere jeans ( folded at the hem) = cropped jeans; Suspenders from F&H in yellow and black; Striped socks from Human. Viola!