Don't I look pouty?
Thought I do a self portrait. Strike the pose!
My black Converse is so battered but I still love it. Want a Pierre Hardy sneaks, though. I swear there is no single decent shop here in Siem Reap that sells shoes that appeal to my taste. That's why I can't wait to go to Bangkok, already.
Outfit for the day:
Yohji Yamamoto jacket, Don Protasio wrinkled cotton tank, pinstripe Don Protasio pants, striped Prolung Khmer organic cotton, organic dyed scarf and the aforementioned black canvas Converse.

That's how I blog, sitting on my bed.
We had to go to the Red Gallery.

We need to wrap the artwork of Loven that got sold. The b/w photograph you see here is by Herve Robillard whose work was my inspiration for the b/w fashion collection I did for McDermott Gallery last February.

Loven with his artwork that got sold. I think he sold 6 pieces that day.

Vincent Broustet painting of dried fish. I love! I might include him in one of my exhibits.

Rattan sculptures by Sokhorn Meas. He already exhibited at the Arts Lounge. Very popular.

Photography by John McDermott. It reminds me of Disneyland but Buddhist in theme.
We had dinner at Tsukinuniji
Alas, I was too hungry that I forgot to take pictures of our food. Sayang. I had fried salmon, zaru soba, tempura and some Japanese salad. Loven ordered sushi and supposedly a soup but then they forgot. So Loven cancelled it. Fate had shrimp curry and Brewster had this yakisoba soup.
Royal Angkor Hotel

We had to deliver the artworks that was bought by this Italian guy from Rome.

I really don't fancy their lobby.

It's too 'mature' for me.

I checked their desserts but didn't try.
We decided to pass by The One Shop (our little shop down the passage)

We sell a lot of things. Loven's artworks.

Pottery from Prolung Khmer. New arrivals.

Some of my stuff- beaded necklaces and pineapple cloth belt. I'll be adding clothing soon.

More stuff like buffalo horns, accessories from Bali and woodworks.

More of Loven's artworks. We plan to evolve the look of the shop like a magazine. It's now on its 3rd look. Who knows what inspiration will strike us next.
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
is that a kulambo in your bedroom? eyeloveit! i really do. i always find them so romantic!
note to self: find some kulambo at JJ.
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