Sorry for the lack of updates guys. Been busy with a lot of things. Suddenly I'm having this re-staging of the collection I showed for PFW on the 22nd of this month at Robinsons Iloilo and I'm scrambling to complete the gaps because I sold most of the pieces already. Hahaha! Oh well, it's all in a days work.
Anyway, lemme go through my files even though it's a bit late already. This I think happened on the 2nd day of PFW.

I had this plan to go to Eairth with Toxic because I really wanna go shopping there and also he has never been there so I wanted to show him the place. Word got around with his besties Gelo and Karl so they also tagged along. We decided to meet up at Shang because I wanted to check out Homme et Femme for their overpriced, este, tax pumped mercs. Notice ko lang yung mga off-season pieces Johalia Jackson pa rin ha! Anyhoot, it was nice to see the pieces from the labels they sold like Lanvin, Acne, Balenciaga, etc. There's not a lot of directional pieces compared to when you shop at, say, Club 21 in Bangkok.
We got hungry (after H&F, we checked Human and Gelo and I bought this blade neckpiece) so we headed for Pepperlunch. It's my little support to Cecile so everytime I'm in Manila I try to eat there. I had some Shake-shake Kani salad, this Salmon Pepper Rice meal and Red Grape cooler. The gang agreed it was worth eating there. Toxic and I had a little exchange gift of ukay loots and the pips beside got a little curious of our little scene especially when Comme des Garcons, Tsumori Chisato, Zucca, etc got tossed here and there.

Then off we went to Eairth's showroom.

Finally, I got to meet Melissa Dizon Ramsey, the designer of the cult label. She's so nice and we chatted about Cambodia and designing. I think she will love Kep or Koh Kong because she surfs. I'm so inspired meeting her and even before meeting her I was already touched by her designs and philosophy.

Since I prepared so much for this visit I went overboard and bought a lot of pieces. One of those gray pieces, a Sibukaw dyed number, is now mine.

I can't wait to show you the loot I got ;) It will have to be a separate post.

This is Mike aka Toxicdiscoboy, BFF numero uno, Manille branch. I made him that top he is wearing and I named it after him. He likes draped, intellectual fashion so we click. And he has passion for ukay a little less obsessed than I am (although with the rate you're going kid, I'm predicting you're morphing into DP territory already, hahaha!).

I think I got that same scarf given by Loven and Faith.

This is Karl, another minion. My, kids nowadays are so fearless with their fashion choices and Karl definitely has this singular point of view when it comes to what he likes to wear.

This was Karl's look.

And this is Gelo. Below you will see his regular everyday outfit which surprised me a bit when I first saw him coming towards me at Shang. My thought bubble said, 'Carrie Bradshaw, isdatchu?'. He's like the spawn of Pat Fields!

It's not everyday you see someone wearing a tutu skirt on the street, non?

With me is Paul Clark who's the assistant of Melissa. We go way back in my theater days when I designed costumes. He's really helpful and made us feel really welcome and special.
Apres, we headed to SMX to see the fashion shows for that day. We bumped into a lot of chica people toting bags that's worth a year of salary for some.

Here's Mrs. Singson in a Comme-ish outfit paired with a Kelly. Check!

Then Yekky, ITSELF!

Alexander McQueen 'Novak'. Check!

JP Singson, the son of that chica lady above.

Birkin. Check! I'm loving his Dior Homme brogues, too.

Not to be outdone, Gelo was seen carrying this LV bag. Label kung label!

I also met Mark Arvin.

Louis Claparols, isdatchu? Yes, indeed it's him! It was so nice bumping into him.

Lou with top model Luke Jickain.

My Iloilo gang who supported us, Marvin, Jor-el and now Manille based, Peer. Too bad Mikki couldn't come to see the shows because he's got exams.
The second day was tiring for me. I wasn't able to sit down during Bo's show because there were a lot of people. Most of the time it was SRO. The ticket system got complicated and confusing to be honest. It was just dreadful! Why can't it be like in HK? On one side with tickets. On the other side without. The VIP's go in first, then with tickets and then without tickets. Naloka lang ako kahit may stub and seat assignments ako I didn't get to sit at all! Weird lang.