This is Kris Van Assche. He is now the designer of Dior Homme after Hedi Slimane. It will be his first collection for the label. I can't wait to see what he will come up with.
(photo from A Shaded View On Fashion)

And I saw this inspiring photo at ASVOF. What do you think? I like the effortlessness and the clean lines.
(photo from A Shaded View On Fashion)
Last Sunday I had a wonderful day. Ms. M just came from Vietnam and we had lunch at her in laws house and there we updated ourselves with chismax and her whole Vietnam trip. She also passed by Siem Reap and totally enjoyed it the second time. Her sis-in-law, Butchay showed me her collection of Pepito Albert dresses and gowns. So nice! After, we had to buy fabric because she wanted me to make her 2 tops. We went to my workshop and she had her measurements taken. We then went to BlueJay and we had some snacks. Then I went to Robinsons and checked my e-mail. I got a very wonderful news which I'm not divulging now until it's done. It's going to be a photoshoot with me on it. I went to church. Then I met up with Mike and KL at Afrique's and we really had a nice time. Then I went home.Monday was kinda hectic. Received news from Shahani Gania. Will contribute one of my pieces for his shoot for Lifestyle Asia. I'm happy.
Tuesday was more than hectic! Doing a photoshoot for a magazine. It's with Dimples as model and Paul Chiongson as photographer. Then in the evening rehearsal for Design Lab presscon fashion show.
Wednesday. Super harassed. Presscon fashion show for Design Lab. Had to contend with the media, the 12 designers, twelve models, my staff, the people in the office, my boss, the make-up artists and all the people involved. Had to confirm the attendance of Gian Romano, Tina Daniac and Patrick Ty for the finals on July 4, my birthday. Yes, I'm working on my birthday!
I'm here now at Bo's house. He's doing Ria Bolivar's dress for the Preview Ball on Friday, June 29. We are invited but we can't come. We have a fashion show for Norkis Yamaha on Friday. It's me, Bo Parcon, Eric de los Santos, Jaki Peñalosa and the 2 Cebu designers Protacio and Marichu Tan.
I wonder, what kind of life does Kris Van Assche live?