See K's account here of my Bangkok visit.
Will update more soon.
I'll invade Bangkok over the weekend so I'm hoping to bump into you while I do a bit of little shopping, non?
Jacket: Bo Parcon
Tee: i forgot the brand but it's a cute line in Chatuchak
Pants: DP
Shoes: Giordano Concepts.
I'll see you soon!
Several full moons ago, after midnight, early morning of my birthday, I got a pleasant surprise when Loven and Olive presented me with a cake made of pandan and strawberry spongebars on a bed of ice cream.
It's soooooooooooooo cute!
Spent the day tending to our pop-up shop at Lucky Mall. The Margiela tee I'm wearing was given by Marvin.
Later in the evening after we closed I was surprised to see this 1941 Citroen parked outside the mall. I even excitedly asked who owned the wonderful vehicle. I didn't realize it was going to be my ride for the night!
Sarah, Olive and Loven were the culprits! They had Indian dessert and wine waiting. It was so chic being driven around town with wine and nibbles. I changed to my One Hidden Agenda top and hurriedly grabbed my Y'saacs. It felt so good, palanggas!
Here's moi with Sarah.
Not a limo but I have to start from somewhere, right?
We had dinner at La Volpaia. Loven, moi and Savorn.
Moi with Olive and Sarah.
This is the cake they gave me. My 4th one, actually.
Apres, it was drinks at Ms. Wong.
There I discovered the amazing lemongrass cooler cocktail. Yum!
It was quite intimate since there's just 5 of us. Kinda like it that way, a change from my usual birthday when I'm in Iloilo.
The next day I was feted by my Bible study group, another surprise! That's the 5th cake I received, already. Fat alert but I just had to taste, non? Anyway, it was my birthday so I'm excused.
Cielo, Blady and their son Bryce. They were so gracious to have my party at their house and they cooked a vegetarian kare-kare for me.
Back at the hotel my co-workers gave me my 6th cake, a delish chocolate cream cake.
It's so nice to feel remembered on my birthday and I really appreciate all my friends going out of their way to prepare everything to perfection. I didn't have a clue and I was so surprised everytime. Thank you, all!